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Print Working Directory

  • 1 print working directory

    Вычислительная техника: вывод рабочего каталога

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > print working directory

  • 2 Print Working Directory

    1) Computers: PWD
    2) File extension: PWD (Unix)

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Print Working Directory

  • 3 print working directory

    * * *

    tiskati radni imenik (naredba)

    English-Croatian dictionary > print working directory

  • 4 tiskati radni imenik (naredba)

    * * *
    • print working directory

    Hrvatski-Engleski rječnik > tiskati radni imenik (naredba)

  • 5 PWD

    1) Компьютерная техника: Print Working Directory, Professional Web Design
    3) Спорт: Pro Wrestling Daily
    4) Военный термин: Public Works Department (ВМС), procurement work directive
    5) Техника: pulse width distortion
    6) Сокращение: Psychological Warfare Division
    7) Электроника: Pulse Width Deviation
    8) Вычислительная техника: pulse-width discriminator
    9) Фирменный знак: Peoria Web Design
    10) Бурение: pressure while drilling
    11) Сетевые технологии: Path Of Working Directory, Present Working Directory
    12) Медицинская техника: pulsed wave doppler (УЗИ)
    13) Расширение файла: Text document (Microsoft Pocket Word), Print Working Directory (Unix)
    14) Собаководство: Portuguese Water Dog
    15) Печатные платы: printed wiring board

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > PWD

  • 6 pwd

    1) Компьютерная техника: Print Working Directory, Professional Web Design
    3) Спорт: Pro Wrestling Daily
    4) Военный термин: Public Works Department (ВМС), procurement work directive
    5) Техника: pulse width distortion
    6) Сокращение: Psychological Warfare Division
    7) Электроника: Pulse Width Deviation
    8) Вычислительная техника: pulse-width discriminator
    9) Фирменный знак: Peoria Web Design
    10) Бурение: pressure while drilling
    11) Сетевые технологии: Path Of Working Directory, Present Working Directory
    12) Медицинская техника: pulsed wave doppler (УЗИ)
    13) Расширение файла: Text document (Microsoft Pocket Word), Print Working Directory (Unix)
    14) Собаководство: Portuguese Water Dog
    15) Печатные платы: printed wiring board

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > pwd

  • 7 вывод рабочего каталога

    Information technology: print working directory

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > вывод рабочего каталога

  • 8 eliminar

    to eliminate.
    El líquido eliminó las manchas The liquid eliminated the stains.
    El mafioso eliminó al testigo The mobster eliminated the witness.
    * * *
    1 (gen) to eliminate, exclude
    2 (esperanzas, miedos, etc) to get rid of, cast aside
    3 familiar (matar) to kill, eliminate
    * * *
    3) kill
    * * *
    1. VT
    1) (=hacer desaparecer) [+ mancha, obstáculo] to remove, get rid of; [+ residuos] to dispose of; [+ pobreza] to eliminate, eradicate; [+ posibilidad] to rule out

    eliminar un directorio — (Inform) to remove o delete a directory

    2) [+ concursante, deportista] to knock out, eliminate

    fueron eliminados de la competiciónthey were knocked out of o eliminated from the competition

    3) euf (=matar) to eliminate, do away with *
    4) [+ incógnita] to eliminate
    5) (Fisiol) to eliminate
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    a) < obstáculo> to remove; < párrafo> to delete, remove
    b) < candidato> to eliminate; (Dep) to eliminate, knock out
    c) (euf) ( matar) to eliminate (euph), to get rid of (euph)
    d) < residuos> to dispose of
    2) <toxinas/grasas> to eliminate
    3) (Mat) < incógnita> to eliminate
    * * *
    = abort, cut off, delete, detach, disband, discard, dispose of, do away with, eliminate, eradicate, erase, erode, kill, obviate, purge, remove, rid, suppress, take out, withdraw, screen out, retire, squeeze out, decrement, dispel, weed out, axe [ax, -USA], abolish, pare out, chop off, excise, obliterate, scrap, take off, expunge, cut out, put to + rest, sweep away, root out, nix, drive out, deselect, strip away, roll back, efface, cashier, clear out, weed, sunset, stomp + Nombre + out, zap, take + Nombre + out.
    Ex. It is important to know what police or fire responses are triggered by alarms and how that reaction can be aborted and the alarm silenced.
    Ex. The only way to solve these problems is either to revise your catalog in its totality or to cut it off.
    Ex. Expressive notation is generally easier to truncate, that is, delete final characters to create the notation for a more general subject.
    Ex. The words from the deleted abstract in the abstract word file will be detached when DOBIS/LIBIS is not busy with other work.
    Ex. With the completion of the draft in 1983, the Working Group on an International Authority System was officially disbanded.
    Ex. The dates should be checked regularly and updated so that old dates are discarded and new ones entered.
    Ex. List and describe the steps involved in withdrawing and disposing of books which are no longer required.
    Ex. DOBIS/LIBIS does away with the multiplicity of files and catalogs.
    Ex. Obviously, computers and the use of notation in computerised systems may place additional constraints upon the nature of the notation, or may eliminate the need to consider some of the characteristics below.
    Ex. In this instance links would be insufficient to eradicate the false drop.
    Ex. Pressing the delete key erases a characters without leaving a blank space.
    Ex. These arrangements should also erode price differentials between Europe and the US, and permit each country to support its own online services.
    Ex. He was looking for the book 'Flowers and Bullets and Freedom to kill' = Estaba buscando el libro "Flores, balas y libertad para matar".
    Ex. The intercalation of (41-4) after 329 obviates this function.
    Ex. The system requests the number of the borrower and then purges that borrower's name and number from its files.
    Ex. Folders allow a set of papers to be kept together when a set on a given topic is removed from the file.
    Ex. This function can be used to rid access-point files of unused entries.
    Ex. It is possible to suppress references and to omit steps in a hierarchy.
    Ex. A scheme should allow reduction, to take out subjects and their subdivisions which are no longer used.
    Ex. Thus, all cards corresponding to documents covering 'Curricula' are withdrawn from the pack.
    Ex. Most journals rely for a substantial part of their income on advertisements; how would advertisers view the prospect of being selectively screened out by readers?.
    Ex. This article stresses the importance for libraries of making current informationav ailable on AIDS, and of retiring out-of-date information on the subject.
    Ex. Subjects not in the core of major employment areas are likely to be squeezed out of the standard curriculum.
    Ex. Document terms absent from the original query were decremented.
    Ex. But years and experience do not always dispel the sense of unease.
    Ex. Information services administrators expect library schools to uphold admission standards and weed out unsuitable candidates.
    Ex. 'He's been trying to cover up his tracks; those engineers who got axed were his scapegoats'.
    Ex. Who knows? If we can abolish the card catalogue and replace it with some form more acceptable to library users, they may even begin to use library catalogues!.
    Ex. Because the assumption in this method is that none of the preceding years' operations are worth continuing unless they can be shown to be necessary, zero-based budgeting (ZZB) can be useful for paring out the deadwood of obsolete or uselessly extravagant programs.
    Ex. Others chop off old records to remain within the limits of 680 MB.
    Ex. Once a new digitized system has been introduced irrelevancies and redundant features can more easily be seen and excised.
    Ex. Typing errors cannot be obliterated with a normal erasing fluid as this would print and appear as a blotch on the copies.
    Ex. There have even been rumours of plans to scrap most of the industrial side of its work and disperse key elements, such as the work on regional and industrial aid, to the provinces.
    Ex. Meek took her glasses off and twiddled them as her supervisor related the following incident.
    Ex. This article examines the controversial issue about whether to expunge books about satanism from the library shelves.
    Ex. In order to support a core acquistions programme of essential materials for its users, a library will more readily cut out material on the fringe of its needs if such material can be obtained by a good document supply system.
    Ex. Careful investigation by the library board of the possibilities inherent in system membership usually puts to rest preconceived fears.
    Ex. Librarians should ensure that the principles they stand for are not swept away on a tide of technological jingoism.
    Ex. Libraries should root out unproductive and obsolete activities.
    Ex. This play was nixed by school officials on the grounds that the subject of sweatshops was not appropriate for that age group.
    Ex. The development of user-friendly interfaces to data bases may drive out the unspecialised information broker in the long run.
    Ex. There is a need to provide public access to the Internet and to develop guidelines for selecting and deselecting appropriate resources.
    Ex. Like its predecessor, it wants to strip away the sentimentality surrounding male-female relationships and reveal the ugly, unvarnished truth.
    Ex. Some Russia specialists say President Putin is rolling back liberal economic and political reforms ushered in by his predecessor.
    Ex. The beauty, the aliveness, the creativity, the passion that made her lovable and gave her life meaning has been effaced.
    Ex. His case was referred to the next session, and in the following May he was cashiered.
    Ex. Pockets of resistance still remain in Fallujah, but the vast majority of insurgents have been cleared out.
    Ex. It seems to me that the electronic catalog provides the ability to build a file that can, in fact, be easily weeded.
    Ex. It's instructive to remember just how passionately the media hyped the dangers of ' sunsetting' the ban.
    Ex. Like I said, no wonder racism won't die, it takes BOTH sides to stomp it out, not just one!.
    Ex. This electric fly swatter will zap any fly or mosquito with 1500 volts.
    Ex. My lasting image of Omar is of him crouched in the rubble waiting for U.S. troops to get close enough so he could take one of them out.
    * ayudar a eliminar obstáculos = clear + the path, clear + the way.
    * eliminar al intermediario = cut out + the middleman.
    * eliminar ambigüedades = disambiguate.
    * eliminar barreras = flatten + barriers, tackle + barriers, erase + boundaries.
    * eliminar de un golpe = eliminate + at a stroke.
    * eliminar de un texto = redact out, redact.
    * eliminar diferencias = flatten out + differences.
    * eliminar el hielo = de-ice [deice].
    * eliminar el sarro = descale.
    * eliminar gases = pass + gas, break + wind, pass + wind.
    * eliminar la necesidad de = remove + the need for.
    * eliminar las barreras = break down + barriers.
    * eliminar las diferencias = iron out + differences.
    * eliminar los duplicados = deduplicate.
    * eliminar + Nombre = clear of + Nombre.
    * eliminar obstáculos = clear + the path, clear + the way.
    * eliminar por etapas = phase out.
    * eliminar progresivamente = phase out.
    * eliminar puestos de trabajo = shed + jobs, axe + jobs, cut + jobs.
    * eliminar puliendo = buff out.
    * eliminar una barrera = topple + barrier.
    * eliminar una ecuación de búsqueda = clear + search.
    * eliminar un error = remove + error.
    * eliminar un obstáculo = remove + barrier, sweep away + obstacle.
    * eliminar un problema = sweep away + problem, work out + kink.
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    a) < obstáculo> to remove; < párrafo> to delete, remove
    b) < candidato> to eliminate; (Dep) to eliminate, knock out
    c) (euf) ( matar) to eliminate (euph), to get rid of (euph)
    d) < residuos> to dispose of
    2) <toxinas/grasas> to eliminate
    3) (Mat) < incógnita> to eliminate
    * * *
    = abort, cut off, delete, detach, disband, discard, dispose of, do away with, eliminate, eradicate, erase, erode, kill, obviate, purge, remove, rid, suppress, take out, withdraw, screen out, retire, squeeze out, decrement, dispel, weed out, axe [ax, -USA], abolish, pare out, chop off, excise, obliterate, scrap, take off, expunge, cut out, put to + rest, sweep away, root out, nix, drive out, deselect, strip away, roll back, efface, cashier, clear out, weed, sunset, stomp + Nombre + out, zap, take + Nombre + out.

    Ex: It is important to know what police or fire responses are triggered by alarms and how that reaction can be aborted and the alarm silenced.

    Ex: The only way to solve these problems is either to revise your catalog in its totality or to cut it off.
    Ex: Expressive notation is generally easier to truncate, that is, delete final characters to create the notation for a more general subject.
    Ex: The words from the deleted abstract in the abstract word file will be detached when DOBIS/LIBIS is not busy with other work.
    Ex: With the completion of the draft in 1983, the Working Group on an International Authority System was officially disbanded.
    Ex: The dates should be checked regularly and updated so that old dates are discarded and new ones entered.
    Ex: List and describe the steps involved in withdrawing and disposing of books which are no longer required.
    Ex: DOBIS/LIBIS does away with the multiplicity of files and catalogs.
    Ex: Obviously, computers and the use of notation in computerised systems may place additional constraints upon the nature of the notation, or may eliminate the need to consider some of the characteristics below.
    Ex: In this instance links would be insufficient to eradicate the false drop.
    Ex: Pressing the delete key erases a characters without leaving a blank space.
    Ex: These arrangements should also erode price differentials between Europe and the US, and permit each country to support its own online services.
    Ex: He was looking for the book 'Flowers and Bullets and Freedom to kill' = Estaba buscando el libro "Flores, balas y libertad para matar".
    Ex: The intercalation of (41-4) after 329 obviates this function.
    Ex: The system requests the number of the borrower and then purges that borrower's name and number from its files.
    Ex: Folders allow a set of papers to be kept together when a set on a given topic is removed from the file.
    Ex: This function can be used to rid access-point files of unused entries.
    Ex: It is possible to suppress references and to omit steps in a hierarchy.
    Ex: A scheme should allow reduction, to take out subjects and their subdivisions which are no longer used.
    Ex: Thus, all cards corresponding to documents covering 'Curricula' are withdrawn from the pack.
    Ex: Most journals rely for a substantial part of their income on advertisements; how would advertisers view the prospect of being selectively screened out by readers?.
    Ex: This article stresses the importance for libraries of making current informationav ailable on AIDS, and of retiring out-of-date information on the subject.
    Ex: Subjects not in the core of major employment areas are likely to be squeezed out of the standard curriculum.
    Ex: Document terms absent from the original query were decremented.
    Ex: But years and experience do not always dispel the sense of unease.
    Ex: Information services administrators expect library schools to uphold admission standards and weed out unsuitable candidates.
    Ex: 'He's been trying to cover up his tracks; those engineers who got axed were his scapegoats'.
    Ex: Who knows? If we can abolish the card catalogue and replace it with some form more acceptable to library users, they may even begin to use library catalogues!.
    Ex: Because the assumption in this method is that none of the preceding years' operations are worth continuing unless they can be shown to be necessary, zero-based budgeting (ZZB) can be useful for paring out the deadwood of obsolete or uselessly extravagant programs.
    Ex: Others chop off old records to remain within the limits of 680 MB.
    Ex: Once a new digitized system has been introduced irrelevancies and redundant features can more easily be seen and excised.
    Ex: Typing errors cannot be obliterated with a normal erasing fluid as this would print and appear as a blotch on the copies.
    Ex: There have even been rumours of plans to scrap most of the industrial side of its work and disperse key elements, such as the work on regional and industrial aid, to the provinces.
    Ex: Meek took her glasses off and twiddled them as her supervisor related the following incident.
    Ex: This article examines the controversial issue about whether to expunge books about satanism from the library shelves.
    Ex: In order to support a core acquistions programme of essential materials for its users, a library will more readily cut out material on the fringe of its needs if such material can be obtained by a good document supply system.
    Ex: Careful investigation by the library board of the possibilities inherent in system membership usually puts to rest preconceived fears.
    Ex: Librarians should ensure that the principles they stand for are not swept away on a tide of technological jingoism.
    Ex: Libraries should root out unproductive and obsolete activities.
    Ex: This play was nixed by school officials on the grounds that the subject of sweatshops was not appropriate for that age group.
    Ex: The development of user-friendly interfaces to data bases may drive out the unspecialised information broker in the long run.
    Ex: There is a need to provide public access to the Internet and to develop guidelines for selecting and deselecting appropriate resources.
    Ex: Like its predecessor, it wants to strip away the sentimentality surrounding male-female relationships and reveal the ugly, unvarnished truth.
    Ex: Some Russia specialists say President Putin is rolling back liberal economic and political reforms ushered in by his predecessor.
    Ex: The beauty, the aliveness, the creativity, the passion that made her lovable and gave her life meaning has been effaced.
    Ex: His case was referred to the next session, and in the following May he was cashiered.
    Ex: Pockets of resistance still remain in Fallujah, but the vast majority of insurgents have been cleared out.
    Ex: It seems to me that the electronic catalog provides the ability to build a file that can, in fact, be easily weeded.
    Ex: It's instructive to remember just how passionately the media hyped the dangers of ' sunsetting' the ban.
    Ex: Like I said, no wonder racism won't die, it takes BOTH sides to stomp it out, not just one!.
    Ex: This electric fly swatter will zap any fly or mosquito with 1500 volts.
    Ex: My lasting image of Omar is of him crouched in the rubble waiting for U.S. troops to get close enough so he could take one of them out.
    * ayudar a eliminar obstáculos = clear + the path, clear + the way.
    * eliminar al intermediario = cut out + the middleman.
    * eliminar ambigüedades = disambiguate.
    * eliminar barreras = flatten + barriers, tackle + barriers, erase + boundaries.
    * eliminar de un golpe = eliminate + at a stroke.
    * eliminar de un texto = redact out, redact.
    * eliminar diferencias = flatten out + differences.
    * eliminar el hielo = de-ice [deice].
    * eliminar el sarro = descale.
    * eliminar gases = pass + gas, break + wind, pass + wind.
    * eliminar la necesidad de = remove + the need for.
    * eliminar las barreras = break down + barriers.
    * eliminar las diferencias = iron out + differences.
    * eliminar los duplicados = deduplicate.
    * eliminar + Nombre = clear of + Nombre.
    * eliminar obstáculos = clear + the path, clear + the way.
    * eliminar por etapas = phase out.
    * eliminar progresivamente = phase out.
    * eliminar puestos de trabajo = shed + jobs, axe + jobs, cut + jobs.
    * eliminar puliendo = buff out.
    * eliminar una barrera = topple + barrier.
    * eliminar una ecuación de búsqueda = clear + search.
    * eliminar un error = remove + error.
    * eliminar un obstáculo = remove + barrier, sweep away + obstacle.
    * eliminar un problema = sweep away + problem, work out + kink.

    * * *
    eliminar [A1 ]
    1 ‹obstáculo› to remove; ‹párrafo› to delete, remove
    para eliminar las cucarachas to get rid of o exterminate o kill cockroaches
    2 ‹equipo/candidato› to eliminate
    fueron eliminados del torneo they were knocked out of o eliminated from the tournament
    3 ( euf) (matar) to eliminate ( euph), to get rid of ( euph)
    B ‹toxinas/grasas› to eliminate
    C ( Mat) ‹incógnita› to eliminate
    * * *


    eliminar ( conjugate eliminar) verbo transitivo

    párrafo to delete, remove

    (Dep) to eliminate, knock out
    c) (euf) ( matar) to eliminate (euph), to get rid of (euph)

    e)toxinas/grasas to eliminate

    eliminar verbo transitivo to eliminate
    ' eliminar' also found in these entries:
    - cortar
    - descalificar
    - michelín
    - quitar
    - sonda
    - terminar
    - tranquilizar
    cut out
    - debug
    - eliminate
    - face
    - hit list
    - knock out
    - liquidate
    - obliterate
    - remove
    - weed
    - cut
    - delete
    - do
    - knock
    - take
    - zap
    * * *
    1. [en juego, deporte, concurso] to eliminate (de from);
    el que menos puntos consiga queda eliminado the person who scores the lowest number of points is eliminated;
    lo eliminaron en la segunda ronda he was eliminated o knocked out in the second round
    2. [acabar con] [contaminación] to eliminate;
    [grasas, toxinas] to eliminate, to get rid of; [residuos] to dispose of; [manchas] to remove, to get rid of; [fronteras, obstáculos] to remove, to eliminate;
    eliminó algunos trozos de su discurso he cut out some parts of his speech
    3. Mat [incógnita] to eliminate
    4. Euf [matar] to eliminate, to get rid of
    * * *
    1 eliminate
    2 desperdicios dispose of
    3 INFOR delete
    * * *
    1) : to eliminate, to remove
    2) : to do in, to kill
    * * *
    1. (en general) to eliminate
    2. (manchas) to remove

    Spanish-English dictionary > eliminar

См. также в других словарях:

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